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CARUSO and Allianz are cooperating

Allianz uses TecAlliance subsidiary CARUSO’s telematics data for its crash detection and report service.

Up to now, customers of accident reporting services had to install an additional sensor in the car. The German insurance company Allianz, one of the world’s largest property and casualty insurers for private and corporate customers, now offers a fully connected crash detection and report service for customers of connected vehicles with standardized data directly from the vehicle manufacturer. The standardization and delivery will take place via the CARUSO data marketplace.

If car drivers wanted to use an accident reporting service they had to install sensors in the vehicle themselves until now. However, many vehicles, depending on the model and brand, are already equipped with sensors right from the start. By using a telematics unit that is directly installed as well, it is possible to receive vehicle data in real time.

“The Allianz Unfallmelder is a fully connected crash detection and report service. In case of an accident, sensor information can be provided directly to the claims representative”, says Lucie Bakker, Chief Claims Officer at the Allianz Versicherungs-AG. “The Allianz Versicherungs-AG is thus expanding its digital and personal support for customers, especially in the event of a claim. Data from the connected cars is a key element.”

The technical connection to the vehcile manufacturer takes place centrally for Allianz via a standardized interface of the CARUSO data marketplace – regardless of the manufacturer of the respective vehicle. This significantly reduces the development effort and Allianz can successively expand its service to other vehicle manufacturers. The data is always exported 100% GDPR compliant, because the insurer only receives the data with the consent of the user.

"The needs of the customer are increasingly coming into focus, and vehicle data offers a great opportunity to respond to these needs. TecAlliance is happy and proud to be part of this journey with Allianz,” says Norbert Dohmen, Managing Director of Caruso GmbH.

More information at  www.caruso-dataplace.com

TecAlliance GmbH
Steinheilstraße 10
85737 Ismaning


Pia Harbo
Commercial Business Owner
+49 1749419953 pia.harbo@tecalliance.net

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