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Mandatory electronic invoicing: TecAlliance registered as PDP

In a significant development for businesses in France, the implementation of mandatory electronic invoicing for all B2B transactions will take effect from 1st July 2024.

TecAlliance, the leading data and solution expert in the automotive aftermarket, has registered as a Partner Dematerialisation Platform (PDP) to support companies in meeting these new requirements. In a free-of-charge webinar on 14 September 2023, TecAlliance experts answer all questions about the French e-Invoicing Mandate 2024.

Under the new mandate, businesses will be prohibited from exchanging e-invoices directly between trading parties. Instead, they must utilise either registered service providers or the centralised governmental platform, Chorus Pro, to transmit e-invoices to the buyer party. To comply with these regulations, companies will need to select a PDP for all incoming and outgoing invoices.

The role of a PDP is specialised, ensuring compliance with strict legal and technical requirements. Additionally, PDPs facilitate the exchange of mandatory payment status data for each invoice with Chorus Pro and other connected PDPs. TecAlliance's PDP solution goes beyond compliance by offering optional added-value services such as message conversions from/to existing formats, pre-validation, reporting functionalities, and interfaces to ERP systems.

The new regulations will be rolled out in phases, with all companies expected to receive e-invoices by July 2024. From January 2025, the largest companies will be required to issue invoices following the new mandate. Medium-sized companies will follow suit by January 2026, and subsequently, medium and small companies will also fall within the scope of the mandate.

Failure to adhere to the stringent e-invoicing requirements will result in substantial fines. Therefore, it is imperative that businesses begin preparations well in advance to ensure a seamless transition. This includes upgrading accounting and invoicing software, transitioning from paper to electronic invoicing processes, switching from PDF to structured data formats, and, most importantly, selecting the right PDP.

TecAlliance stands out as the preferred choice for businesses seeking a reliable PDP for several reasons:

Tax Compliant Electronic Invoicing on an International Level: TecAlliance has a proven track record in continuous transaction control (CTC) processes and offers a compliant solution for both the French market and cross-border operations. With experience in countries such as Mexico, Italy, and Poland, TecAlliance ensures tax compliance on an international scale.

Integrated Order-to-Invoice-to-Returns Process: TecAlliance's e-Invoicing solution seamlessly integrates into the TecCom Suite, enabling businesses to exchange article and price data, optimise stocks through order proposals, order and track the order fulfillment, and manage reverse logistics. These processes are fully automated and can be seamlessly integrated into existing ERP systems. 

Designed for Independent Aftermarket (IAM) Processes: TecAlliance's solution is specifically tailored to the needs of the IAM industry. By fulfilling industry standards and offering top-notch data quality, businesses can minimise errors and reduce manual work throughout their order-to-invoice processes. The e-Invoicing solution is fully compatible with established IAM standards, including tXML2,5, EDIFACT, D96.A CF, and GOLDA.

On 14 September 2023 from 10-10.30 am, TecAlliance offers a free-of-charge webinar to inform about the French e-Invoicing Mandate 2024. Register for webinar More information about TecAlliance's e-Invoicing solution and its compatibility with the new legal requirements in France is also available at https://www.tecalliance.net/new-electronic-invoicing-mandatory-in-france-as-of-1st-july-2024-tecalliance-registers-as-pdp/. 

TecAlliance GmbH
Steinheilstraße 10
85737 Ismaning


Pia Harbo
Commercial Business Owner
+49 1749419953 pia.harbo@tecalliance.net

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