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Mandatory electronic invoicing: TecAlliance offers a fully compliant e-invoicing solution

Following the global trend of introducing a clearance model in the invoicing processes, after Italy and France, Poland is the next European country to introduce a clearance model for all domestic invoices.

As of 1 July 2024, businesses in Poland will be required to use electronic invoicing for all business-to-business (B2B) transactions. Exchanging e-invoices directly between trading parties will not be allowed. TecAlliance, the leading data and solution expert in the automotive aftermarket, offers a fully compliant e-Invoicing solution that supports companies in meeting these new requirements. 

Companies who have their registered office or permanent place of business in Poland will be obliged to issue e-invoices in a specific XML format and submit them to the national system KSeF (Krajowy System e-Faktur) for clearance.

Under the new mandate, the integrity and authenticity of the invoice can be ensured by the KSeF. An additional signature will not be needed. KSeF will also provide a long-term archive, however it is recommended that taxpayers use their own archive in case of dispute with tax authorities. In any case invoices have to be stored with the unique ID that has been provided by KSeF for 10 years including a visualisation that is generated outside the national system. 

Companies that do not follow Poland’s stringent e-invoicing requirements will face fines.

It is possible to start using the system already during the voluntary phase starting in September 2023. Businesses should use this opportunity and start preparing for the e-invoicing mandate well in advance to ensure a smooth transition. Depending on the invoice process today, this involves upgrading accounting and invoicing software, switching from paper invoice to electronic invoice process or switching from PDF to a structured data format such as tXML2.5.

TecAlliance stands out as the preferred choice for businesses seeking a reliable provider of an e-invoicing solution for several reasons:

Tax Compliant Electronic Invoicing on an International Level: TecAlliance has a proven track record in continuous transaction control (CTC) processes and offers a compliant solution for both the Polish market and cross-border operations. With experience in countries such as Mexico, Italy, and France, TecAlliance ensures tax compliance on an international scale.

Integrated Order-to-Invoice-to-Returns Process: TecAlliance's e-Invoicing solution seamlessly integrates into the TecCom Suite, enabling businesses to exchange article and price data, optimise stocks through order proposals, order and track the order fulfillment, and manage reverse logistics. These processes are fully automated and can be seamlessly integrated into existing ERP systems. 

Designed for Independent Aftermarket (IAM) Processes: TecAlliance's e-Invoicing solution is specifically tailored to the needs of the IAM. By fulfilling industry standards and offering top-notch data quality, businesses can minimise errors and reduce manual work throughout their order-to-invoice processes.

The draft legislation can be accessed at: Projekt (rcl.gov.pl). More information about TecAlliance's e-Invoicing solution and its compatibility with the new legal requirements in Poland is available at the TecAlliance website

TecAlliance GmbH
Steinheilstraße 10
85737 Ismaning

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