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The TecCom Approach: Order Processing in 6 Steps

Time is a scarce resource in the automotive industry, whether you’re a supplier or a buyer of spare parts. That’s why efficiency matters. At TecAlliance, we help suppliers automate their order processing and maximize their reach within our extensive network. In this blog, however, we focus on how easy it is for distributors to buy on TecCom.

(Suppliers, feel free to share this with your network to encourage them to adopt the TecCom approach!)

 Start Your Journey on the TecCom Portal

Available 24/7 in 23 languages and equipped with comprehensive support and self-help resources, the TecCom Portal simplifies your purchasing process.

To get started, register on the TecCom Portal and obtain your TecID, which helps trading partners identify you instantly. Once you’ve created your account, log in, and start saving time with every inquiry and order.

 A Simple 6-Step Process

After setup, purchasing parts is simple and efficient:

  1.  Identify the article you need using your local or web catalog.
  2. Send an inquiry to the supplier for availability, pricing, and possible alternatives.
  3. Place your order – choose between Express or Warehouse orders.
  4. Receive an order confirmation with your order details.
  5. Get a delivery confirmation, including date, items, and available quantities.
  6. Receive the invoice.

No emails, no phone calls—just a few clicks, and the rest follows automatically.

Download this guide to get started with TecCom or to share it with your partner. (available in English, German, Italian, French, and Spanish): Download PDF now
 TecCom: The Easiest Way to Order from Major Suppliers

Hundreds of suppliers and tens of thousands of buyers in the Automotive Aftermarket rely on TecCom as their trading platform to leverage digitization and automation and streamline their ordering process.

 Join today and start benefiting with TecCom:

  • Save time – Instant availability and price inquiries, automated processing from order to payment, ERP integration.
  • Boost efficiency and accuracy – 24/7 availability, higher service levels, electronic documentation, and fewer errors.
  • Reduce costs – Automation minimizes manual work and optimizes resources.

Register on the TecCom Portal and experience the benefits for yourself!



TecAlliance GmbH
Steinheilstraße 10
85737 Ismaning


Pia Harbo
Commercial Business Owner
+49 1749419953 pia.harbo@tecalliance.net

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