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febi Engine Management & Components

den 13 maj 2025

All Under Control

In modern passenger cars, there is hardly any area that can get by without electronics.
The number of built-in electronic components is growing steadily and cars have become high-tech vehicles – safer, more comfortable and more environmentally friendly.

Ferdinand Bilstein offers a dynamically growing assortment of spare parts in the electronics and sensor area in OE matching quality, suitable for various vehicle types.

We exclusively carry quality parts, for example, exhaust pressure sensors, EGR valves, ignition coils and air flow meters in our product range.

  • Range of 1,500+ Engine Sensors and Actuators
  • Covering more than 65,000 European and Asian vehicle applications
  • Dynamically growing range with 300+ articles per year
  • OE matching quality, tested and verified in-house

febi is your No.1 in the Automotive Aftermarket for Engine Management replacement parts

The Advantages at a Glance

  •  Robust construction for flawless operation despite environmental influences
  • Optimal accuracy of fit for trouble-free repair
  • Tested according to strict quality standards
  • The requirements of vehicle manufacturers are met or exceeded

High-Tech in the Aftermarket

Sensors, and the technology they use, control and regulate engine management systems.

A sensor is a device able to acquire one or more physical characteristics such as temperature, position, movement, speed etc. and convert these into an electronically usable signal for the ECU to process.

Actuators are components which convert the electrical output signals from the ECU into physical quantities, to control the internal combustion engine for efficiency, economy and performance. This includes parts such as fuel injectors, ignition coils and electro pneumatic valves. Actuators send feedback to the ECU on variables such as position, power consumption and load to give greater control.

Discover more at: https://www.febi.com/en/car/engine-management/

Ferdinand Bilstein GmbH + Co. KG
Wilhelmstraße 47
58256 Ennepetal

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